Loan eligibility is primarily dependent on the income and repayment
capacity of the individual(s). There are other factors that determine the
eligibility of loan such as age, financial position, credit history, credit
score, and other financial duty.
Problem Description
Loan Approval Prediction is automate loan eligibility
process from customer details. These details are Gender, Marital status,
Education, Number of dependents, Self-employed, Monthly income, Loan Application
amount and Credit history. In this process identify the customer segmentation
and those are eligible for the loan amount.
Financial Company or banks needs to automate the loan eligibility
process based on customer detail provided while filling online application
form. In this project used to automate
loan eligibility process from historical data for customer details.
Data acquisition and cleaning
Data set
Range Index:
614 entries (0 to 613)
Data columns: 13 columns
Data type
Dataset have three type of data types of the values. These
are Object, Float and Integer. The number of categorical datatype in shown in
figure 1.1.
Data cleaning
1. First downloaded the data from source and find the data
information, description and shape of the data in after analysis. There were missing
values from dataset, because of lack of record keeping. And also lot of data is
object type. It is trouble to feature prediction. So we change the datatype
from object to numeric values.
2. Data set has to several problems, so start the cleaning of data.
3. Many columns are contain object type of datatype. And then some other columns are complicated values like date, float and negative values. After drop the unwanted columns based on further analysis.
4. After fixing these problems, I checked for outliers in the data. I found there were some extreme outliers, mostly caused by some types of small sample size problem.
Feature Selection
Final step of the Data acquisition, Feature selection is important to the predictive
modelling. After data cleaning, there were 194673 samples and 49 features in the data. Upon examining the
meaning of each feature, it was clear that there was some redundancy in the
features. But these data set contain all features are important to future
Exploratory Data Analysis
problem is Loan Approval prediction. So the target value is Loan Status. The Loan
_Status column contain loan approved or not. It is categorical (Yes / No)
values in shown figure 1.2.
Figure 1.2
is common feature of identical data. It is the
range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between,
masculinity and femininity. It has two different types of feature in this
columns. There are male and female. The total number of male is 489 and total
number of female is 112. And then given plot is define how many male or female
approval for loan in shown figure 1.3.
Figure 1.3
Marital status is
one of the important features. It distinct options that describe a person’
relationship with a significant other. Here are some of the important ways a
change in marital status can affect the target variable. The value of ‘Married’
are ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. The total number of ‘Yes’ is 398 and total number of ‘No’
is 213. And then given plot is define marital status for loan approval in shown
figure 1.4.
Education is major role on loan approval prediction. Loan
eligibility criteria is pursing graduate or post graduate degree. It has to contain two values, there are
‘Graduate’ and ‘Not Graduate’. The total number of ‘Graduate’
is 480 and total
number of ‘Not Graduate’ is 134. And then given
plot is define Education for loan approval in shown figure 1.5.
Figure 1.5
Self-Employment is another major role on loan approval prediction. Here
the maximum applicants are not self-employed for this dataset. The value of ‘Self-Employed’
are ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. The total number of ‘Yes’ is 82 and total number of ‘No’ is
500. And then given plot is define Self-Employed for loan approval in shown
figure 1.6.
Figure 1.6
The distribution is represent for
log transformation. The log transformation can be used to make highly skewed
distributions less skewed. This can be valuable both for making patterns in the
data more interpretable and for helping to meet the assumptions of inferential
The plots are different between normal distribution and log
normal distribution for total income in shown figure 1.7.
Figure 1.7
This plot are different
between normal distribution and log normal distribution for loan amount in
shown figure 1.8.
Figure 1.8
Box plot of major features
The box plot is represent shape of distribution, its central value, and
its variability. Its helps to understanding of data in shown figure 1.9.
Figure 1.9
Correlation between each
Correlation of data is define relationship between each
columns in the data. It has to understand how to handle the data and columns.
In this plot of diagram is represent with different colors of range (-0.2 to
1.0). The range of color is negative value, it low rate of correlation between
the data. For example, Education and Loan Amount is low correlation of each data.
Its correlation value is -0.2.
The range of color is
equal to zero, it normal of correlation between the data. In dataset more
amount of columns are correlation between each data should be normal. For
example, Gender and Self_Employed, ApplicantIncome and Loan_Amount_Term.
Figure 1.10
The range of color is positive value, it high rate of
correlation between the data. Each columns are highly correlated in x-axis and
y-axis. So both are same values. And otherwise some columns are highly correlated.
For example, Total income and Application Income is high correlation of each data.
Its correlation value is 1.0. The correlation of each data is visualize in
shown figure 1.10.
Relationship between
major features
The matrix plot is represent to the relationship between major features.
In this plot visualize the data based on scatter plot and histogram. The
histogram is present in diagonal. The scatter plot is represent to the
relationship between major columns without diagonal. The matrix plot in shown
figure 1.11.
Figure 1.11
Predictive Modelling
Predictive modelling uses statistics to predict outcomes. It is the general concept of building a model that capable of making predictions. Typically, such a model includes a machine learning algorithm that learns certain properties from a training data set in order to make those predictions.
Models can use one or more classifiers in trying to determine the probability of a set of data belonging to another set. There are two types of models, Regression and Classification.
Regression is Supervised Learning task where output is having continuous value. The goal here is to predict a value as much closer to actual output value as our model can and then evaluation is done by calculating error value. The smaller the error the greater the accuracy of our regression model.
Classification is a Supervised Learning task where output is having defined labels (discrete value). The goal here is to predict discrete values belonging to a particular class and evaluate on the basis of accuracy. It can be either binary or multi class classification. In binary classification, model predicts either 0 or 1; yes or no but in case of multi class classification, model predicts more than one class.
In this project target value is categorical type (discrete value). So I choose classification model.
Applying standard Classification algorithms
Classification in machine learning and statistics is a supervised learning approach in which the computer program learns from the data given to it and make new observations or classifications. A classification model attempts to draw some conclusion from observed values. Given one or more inputs a classification model will try to predict the value of one or more outcomes. Outcomes are labels that can be applied to a data set.
There are a number of classification models. Classification models include K nearest neighbor and Naive Bayes, Logistic regression, Decision tree, and Random forest.
Performance of Models
Model evaluation metrics are required to quantify model performance. I choose the model evaluation metrics depends on our machine learning task such as classification algorithms. In precision – recall are useful for multiple tasks.
I applied some classification matrix for model evaluation. There are Classification accuracy and Confusion matrix. Classification accuracy is the number of correct prediction made as a ratio of all predictions made. Confusion matrix provide a more detailed breakdown of correct and incorrect classification for each class. And also fine Actual and predicted values (True and False).
It estimated performance of a model tells as how well it preform on unseen data. And also I find best classifier on this problem based on the table, it is decision tree. It has to high accuracy and better result on confusion matrix. In table explain performance of different models.
Finally, I predicted the loan approval based on further analysis.
I achieved above 80% accuracy in classification algorithms. That is helps to
identify the eligibility of loan. And also analysis of major features, it used
to get better result of this problem.
Purpose of this project was to predict the Loan Approval. Company wants to
automate the loan eligibility process based on customer details. These
details are Gender, Marital status, Education, Number of dependents,
Self-employed, Monthly income, Loan Application amount and Credit history. In
this process identify the customer segmentation and those are eligible for the
loan amount.
And you want to explore the project:
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